Hex, in another words spoil or damage—the scene, based on the belief some people with malicious (illness, death, mental illness, ugliness, disorder and cases of good relations, termination of contracts) magic effect from enemies, by evil eye (the evil eye), or using the magic of ritual (the rite, hex) through food, things, water, wind, wood. Scenes and myths about the existence of damage, and destruction of such influence (damage removal) in varying degrees are prevalent in all Nations.
Word “hex” means to spoil something in spiritual sense, when somebody does damage with helping of esoteric methods. According to folk belief, hex – it is sickness linked with sorcery. It appears in physical and spiritual state. Man, affected by hex can meet difficulties in communication with another people. He lives in disharmony with himself and the world around. Such sins like drinking and the drug habit also can be seen. In some cases man can avoid hex in special ways. But sometimes it is absolutely impossible.
Essence of hex influence
Everybody can be influenced by the power of evil. It happens through human soul. Magic – is a big temptation. It gives an opportunity of conducting the world. Many people cannot resist it. They try to influence another people, using different attraction spells.
One of the most wide-spread ways of dark magic – is ritual of spell, using a large variation of attributes. They can be enough different, for example ground, salt, water, wine, products, man private things. Damaged things bring negative energy. They have the whole program of spell and hex.
Human confidence is an important part in this process. This is a rotten trick. Sacrifice does not suspect about it at all. Soccer gives her talking with hex thing or product and evil begin to act. As we know, every piece of food is circulated in our blood. According to Bible, in blood is situated soul. This way gives the great results. One more method of influence is activity of extrasensory. Here we have momentary result.
Often, many people ask the next questions. Why do people evil? Why do they hex each other? The reasons are different. First of all is envy. Somebody cannot accept the reality. He does not content with his life. He always wants more and more. For example any grumble wife talk to his husband ‘Oh, only think our neighbors have a new wonderful car, but we? Why haven`t we the same?’ Often, young girls are envious and swagger. It is silly, but not anybody is capable to understand. The creation of false ideals – is trouble, giving the way to further horror. Other reasons can be pride, revenge and many like motives. For many soccer and spell caster it is a sense of life.
Symptoms of hex
The symptoms of hex can be various. At first time you do not notice it. You will continue to life over the hill. But terrified events will happen around you.
-sudden appearance of pain or even death;
-psychic dysfunction;
-unreasonable fear;
-the absence of mutual understanding and endless conflicts in family;
-immorality and unfaithfulness;
-draft to alcohol;
-unwillingness to work, sloth;
-inexplicable spite and sourness;
-different kinds of sickness;
The art of evil to choose the people of moral first-degree is not limited. Everybody can influence by hex differently. There is a sort of immunity. Still, hex often meet in our life.
Determination methods of hex
We can do it with raw egg. Let`s take a basil glass and fill it with cold water from well. After, we follow the next items.
1. Take a fresh hen egg. Fold it and pour it in glass with water. Be careful with egg-yolk. He must be unbroken.
2. Put the glass on your forehead, recline chin to chest.
3. Hold it 2 or 3 minutes. And look at stuff in glass.
Here we have several interpretations.
а) If an egg-yolk lay in the white of egg and water is clear, the hex cannot been.
b) If an egg-yolk lay like at first case, but the white of egg is muddy, some dark magic will appear.
c) If the whole egg is spoiled with black color, you will have negative consequences everywhere.
Also, people can determine the presence of hex, using the engagement ring.
First step: Take a ring and touch with it your check.
Second step: Look at your face. Do you have dark traces? No – you have not the hex. Yes – the presence of hex is doubtless.
The existence of hex in your organism and at your home
In your organism:
•you feel bad yourself in church
•pets does not like you
•the presence of pigment spots at woman face
•woman cannot become pregnant, but doctors does not see the reasons
•young and beautiful girl cannot be married
•you lose your weight without reason
•you are sick and medicaments does not help you
•you afraid of your look in mirror
•you cannot abide the view of icon and cross
•in time of pray you always want to sleep
•you are sick of apprehension the incense fragrance
•only at your home there are too many beetles and ants
•when you lose a cross from your neck
•you lose motivation, nothing bring you happiness
•a lot of trouble in your life
At your home:
•your friends, does not like to go to your home, because they fill discomfort
•you find strange thing near your house
•you find different corns in your bed, especially under pillows
•you discover existence of needled photos in your
•the salt cracked and become dark being heated•
•your pets try to leave the house
Ways of doing hex
•food and drink
•candles – in your home or in church
•private things
•puppet, reminding human body
•pin or sharp things
•nails and hair
As we seen, it`s impossible to isolate ourselves from society. We do not know, where dangerous waiting for us. We can provide our life with safety on spiritual level only with steadily good beliefs and hopes. But everybody asks: how to live in moral peace and calm? Of course, every problem has its own solution. Do welfare to people and it will be back to you hundredfold.
Another way, take care your things. If you see something strange and unidentified, try to prevent it immediately. Don`t believe strangers and unknown people. Don`t succumb to suggestion and hypnosis.
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