Sunday, 18 October 2015

Rituals from avoiding of pimples

activity of special spell against acne. This spell will help in improving of the effect of the medication and will be effective in struggle with this problem. Of course, you should not immediately refuse all standard methods of treatment: pills, specific care, visits to the beautician. Because most of the break-up spells increase the effect of already applied methods. Although there are spells those can be used like the only impact on pimples. For people, who want to prevent unpleasant pimples, it will be very important to know the next rituals for beautiful skin: features of doing the ritual with spring water,winter ritual and the ritual with soap too. Under spell is commonly understood a verbal method of human exposure, the surrounding world and different situations. And these impacts are mostly based on man's faith in the effectiveness of this method. That is, if you decide to use the spell from acne, then you must believe that it will help. It is not recommended to read the spell out of curiosity, for trial and so on. This process has important basic requirements. You must choose only one ritual. You cannot use several, because it will male only the problem worse or will not give desired results. Learn the text by heart.
Only in that way you will be able to pronounce words correctly, confidently and surely. Loneliness is also an important point. You must the whole ritual only in solitude. Do not tell anyone about what you are going to do or already did. Do not mistake in choice of a suitable day. It is forbidden to read spells in Church holidays and Sunday. Select any day during the week, except the mentioned above. The phase of the moon has a great influence. Like other rituals from deliverance, prayer against various skin problems is read in the descending period of the month. It will be perfect if you can refuse of smoking and alcohol. All rituals must be done with clear and fresh head. The man must fully realize in their actions. After reviewing all these rules and using them when you will do the ritual, you will have to do everything in the right way. The first results can be visible within a few days.
Let`s see everything detailed. The ritual with spring water is great for people who suffer from blackheads on the face, pimples and inflammations. For its realization you will need pure spring water, which should be enough for three days in order to wash. The needle water is spelled. Plunge it to a glass for example. The words of spell are the next: “My face will clear and beautiful like the surface of the mirror clean, fresh like a flower, like the blue and light sky. The magic spelled words are repeated seven times, and then you must wash with this water to wash. Do the ritual immediately after waking up. You must repeat the ritual twice. It must be done two days at run.
Soap ritual is very often used in the struggle against pimples on the face. It is effective enough. Soap must be without dyes, flavors and etcetera. However, this soap will help much more if only one person use it, who wants to get rid of acne, spelling it. Pay attention to the fact that the most effective will be homebrew soap, in which you put a piece of soul. You can add in this soap favorite herb to saturate it and thus the desired flavor. If you have not the opportunity to cook the soap you can buy or purchase it. After all preparations take the soap and pronounce the following special spell: “Amid meadows and fields, in rivers and lakes, the stream flows pure water is transparent, the light is purer, clearer the sun. The beast in the water not to puke, the rain keeps the dust, wind, sand saves. In the water I soap my will dip, the purity of it will saturate. To help it from acne I to get rid! As the Moon wane, and skin problems will leave me! As the stream flows and the acne is gone...” The magic words are repeated three times, while keep the soap in his hands. After that the soap should be left on the windowsill overnight. In the morning you can wash it with soap. You must wash yourself with spelled soap every day, until it will over. And when the last piece of soap will remain, you will do the next midnight the ritual. You need bring out of the house this peace exactly at 24: 00. Leave it on the crossroad with the words: “All my problems with skin will remain here at the crossroads. There are no pimples and damages on my face, all they will never come back!” You must remain several coins with soap at the crossroad. It is obligatory.
Winter rituals the ritual that take place in the cold season, when the person has a chance to bring home seven small icicles. The ritual must be done on an upward month late at night. When you bring home the icicles, put them in front of him and read the prayer: “For all the saints the voice of your pay, assistance and support in solving my woes please! Help me my disease to win! Blackheads and pimples go away! I want to avoid it. I want to forget it forever! As the water from heaven God descends, as in ice in the winter, so let the pimples go away from myself! Never come back! I spell powerfully! Word! Castle! Amen.” The prayer is recited only once, and then the icicles melted and used over several days (how much is enough) for washing. Make sure to have enough for at least three days wash in the morning. Decreasing the next month, if that does not get better, the ritual can be repeated. If your face has pimples, dark spots, freckles you deliver problems, it is possible to get rid of them with magic, choosing the appropriate magical ritual. Follow all the recommendations and everything will be perfect. Do not fall in despair.

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